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logic bomb album CD dreams for FREE

Get The Album "DREAMS CD" by Logic Bomb & Logic Flux for FREE NOW''









We're giving AWAY Logic Bomb's NEW album DREAMS CD for FREE!"

  • Full instant access to Logic Bomb's latest album "DREAMS" in original wav files in the members area.

  • You get a FREE copy of Logic Bomb's NEW album "DREAMS" shipped to your doorstep. Worldwide shipping.

  • Full digital access to 2 more albums + a couple UNRELEASED tracks by Logic Bomb in original wav files.


    You don't have to pay for digitally albums or the CD. Only for the shipping and handling.

    Album Dreams by Logic Bomb & Logic Flux...


    It's Logic Bomb's 8th Album and been apart of many more. Logic Bomb is an experienced producer and famous artist in the Psychedelic Trance scene. Logic Bomb been around since the 90s. Album 'Dreams' 2022 is the first album release with their own label 'JM BOMB Records' All profit's from this album goes direct to JM BOMB Records & Dennis Tapper's Family.


    Track #1: The first track is We Are All Ghosts. Low bpm track but its awesome first track. Lets move on. Written and Produced by Jonas Pettersson

    Track #2: After that there's a track called 'Psychedelic Reactions'. This is actually one of few tracks that Jonas is really proud of. Strange to say, but most often he doesn't like his tracks after they are finally finished. It might have to do with him hearing them repeatedly over and over again during the creation of them. Jonas believe this could be a common producer issue. But this track is still one that he still loves strongly. He believes you will too. Written and Produced by Jonas Pettersson

    Track #3 Moving forward you find the track called 'Theater of Magic' and o boy this is a special one. This track was originally written and produced by Johan Kraft way back in 2007 and then left in the archive to mature as an old bottle of wine. After a quick reunion with the original duo of Logic Bomb, Jonas and Johan dusted it off and created the foundation for an updated 2022-track. Jonas then took this foundation and created this final track. BIG credits must go to Johan Kraft who was the one who laid the backbone to this track, making it an easy task for Jonas to finalize the finished product. But THIS track was also was also the start of my comeback/re-launch. So every track has e meaning and a story! It's just magic sometimes.

    Track #4 Our forth track on Dreams is 'Grand Mal Seizure'. This track is one of the tracks that Jonas Pettersson and Dennis Tapper made together the winter before he past away. We had such a flow impossible to put into words. Dennis had a whole disk full of unfinished tracks by the time of him passing away. So for Jonas it was more a matter of laying a puzzle - Dennis was kind if sloppy when it came to naming files and having a structure in filesystem.

    Track #5 The next track 'Domino Effect' was written kind of the same way as 'Grand Mal Seizure'. This track is a mashup of Dennis effect-files and Jonas Beautiful melodies and track-structure.

    Track #6 Next is 'The Fiddler' which was Jonas and Dennis pride and joy. This track was really made together all the way. If you listen careful you can hear Dennis playing the mouth-harp. And you can also hear his vocals here and there, and Jonas is making weird vocal sounds here and there. This track is by far the funniest track written together with Dennis. And what a track it became!

    Track #7 The next track on the album is called 'Fire & Smoke'. Need I say more. Turn on the engine. This track is special. Reminds a bit of the Let's Go Track but is much more powerful in the end. I got in some amazing sounds and was streaming it on twitch doing magic. Wait for it...

    Track #8 If I had a Dream' is what made Jonas really woke up from a depression, and here is where it all started. Dreams are what we are all made of!

    This album is according to Jonas the most powerful, psychedelic, emotional album he has ever created. From the pandemic to loosing his best friend, wife and kids. Special thanks to my close friend and partner M.L

    Written and Produced by Jonas Pettersson & Dennis Tapper

  • In the making of album "DREAMS" by Logic Bomb & Logic Flux.

  • It feels like a dream standing on my own two feet again, rising up after all the challenges life has brought me during these last years. Finding the strength within to never give up has encouraged me to follow the path of my life's journey. This experience, together with the importance of so many people supporting me, including my family and children, has showed me that nothing is impossible and that dreams can come true. Without it, this album would never have been possible. My old dear friend Dennis Tapper (Hux Flux) who gave us so much during his time on this earth. He was a true technical genius. We love him so much for so many things, he will forever be missed. With this album we try go keep his legacy alive. Dennis: Wherever you are. Lets go, we have been all over the world together,and you are always with me in spirit while I continue to travel with #bombtrain and partners until we meet again. / Jonas Pettersson

  • My old dear friend Dennis Tapper (Hux Flux) who gave us so much during his time on this earth. He was a true technical genius. We love him so much for so many things, he will forever be missed. With this album we try go keep his legacy alive. Dennis: Wherever you are. Lets go, we have been all over the world together, and you are always with me in spirit while I continue to travel on my own. RIP my dear friend. You are deeply missed. Never forgotten!

  • Why WE Giving Away It For Free?

    These product's could retail for $79 or more, but WE want to give it to you. So you don't pay anything for the actual DREAMS CD. We just ask that you cover your shipping/handling to claim yours so that WE can give out as many around the world as possible (just $12.90 to ship yours anywhere in the world!)

    What FANS and the Psy-Trance Scene Are Saying About My Old Albums and Track Records?

    ''Sonic Algebra (high octane remix)- This was my favorite track on their last album so I'm curious to see what they can do to improve on something so good. Ever see one of those supermarket sweeps where you tray and fit as much sh*t into your cart before time runs out? It's like that. Shimmering waves of sound reflect off the ocean and I think I just tripped over a dirty hippie. Fluttering effects, descriptive breaks, and dark melodies provide a gateway into their past lives, as this brings the dark smackdown in a powerful eruption. Bravo gentlemen."

    Paul White

    ''Wish I was in a club listening to this great album unlimited -best tune. Favorite track: Unlimited."

    PSY 4 EVER

    ''one of the best of the real history of psytrance...i grown up with huxflux and logicbomb'

    Be Pyschedelic

    "Album Headware 1999 was my first psy CD. a friend gave me a copied CD: "listen to this, something new!" I was at a small party at a little lake in bavaria that night so I passed the CD to the dj and he put it on.. and again, and again... only had a 128 mp3 rip of it after loosing the disk, listened so many times, and now I got better quality than ever! thanks!

    Raul Harris

    ''One of the legends..We break many dance floors with them!!'' Very pleasantly surprised, I have just discovered Logic Bomb and am very impressed with the complexity and originality of all their albums. It's not just repetitive boom boom without nuance as we often find in his style of music. There's a little something extra that makes all the difference. NB "The Grid" and "Sonic Algebra" are unfortunately not yet available on Bandcamp but they are my favorites from LB.

    Rigo Mendez


    Instant Digital Download of the albums "Headware" (2000) and "Unlimited" (2002) Original Wav Files.

    Total Value: $29.00

    FREE Music by Logic Bomb & Logic Flux

    Unbeatable Guarantee

  • Full digital access to Logic Bomb's latest album "DREAMS" in original wav files PLUS Dreams CD shipped to your doorstep.

  • ($29.90 Value)

  • Full digital access to 2 more albums "Headware" (2000) & "Unlimited" (2002) in original wav files.

  • ($29.90 Value)

  • Full digital access to 2 new tracks from the upcoming Logic Bomb album early 2023

  • ($19.90 Value)

  • Total Value: $79

    Get My "DREAMS" CD & Music Original Wav Files For FREE 

    These product's could retail for $79 or more, but WE want to give it to you. So you don't pay anything for the actual DREAMS CD. We just ask that you pay your shipping/handling to claim yours so that WE can give out as many around the world as possible (just $12.90 to ship yours anywhere isn the world!)


    First time we release a album own label based in Sweden JM BOMB RECORDS. We spread love and try to give back to the fans. Thank you for all the support over the years.

    I'm also free for bookings. Booking page is coming shortly. Contact us anywhere if you any great contact's or set for us.

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    "Never did I doubt that your comeback would be astounding, this track truly steps away from the mundane formula too many great artists has adapted in the recent years, you truly are unique and I love every single track you have made, this one included<3"

    Markus Hedlund

    "Never did I doubt that your comeback would be astounding, this track truly steps away from the mundane formula too many great artists has adapted in the recent years, you truly are unique and I love every single track you have made, this one included<3"

    Emma Scott

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